Local activities are ongoing

Local project activities are ongoing. In addition to international meetings, the project includes local and online activities. Regarding the first of these, each partner has worked and is working in the following way: creation of some local working groups composed by youngsters, decision makers, stakeholders and or profiles of experts and management of some initiatives at local level.

The aim of these activities is to involve, as much as possible, the target of the project in a kind of dialogue with decision makers and try to try to make the voice of young people heard by proposing requests, proposals and ideas.

Each partner, following the guidelines shared during the last meeting, is working on this phase and it is currently running public conferences, educational training, workshops on the main topic of the project and/or some researches.

TDM 2000 is currently involved in schools and with local partners involving both youngsters and decision makers. Local groups in Cyprus and the Azores are organizing educational workshops in the area aimed at promoting the concept of dialogue with as many people as possible.  Malta, being a public body, is involving its young people in a process of dialogue and simulation directly involving ministers and institutions.

All of these actions are involving youths and decision makers alike.



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