digital youth dialogue

The Project

“Digital Youth Dialogue and e-participation in policy making” is a project within the Key Action 3 of the Erasmus+ Programme. The general objective of the project is to support the active participation of young people in democratic life, encouraging the digital youth dialogue on key issues that concern them closely, following the priorities established by the EU-Strategy 2019-2027, promoting a digital process of participation.

Aim and Objectives

A cycle of international meetings, seminars supported by local reinforcement and online activities will characterize the 12 months of the project for the achievement of different specific objectives:

  • To promote virtual space and e-participation for all, creating conditions which enable young people to fulfill their potential in disadvantaged areas (European islands);
  • To provide participants the tools to promote and improve the condition for youth e-participation in their local environment;
  • To acquire and develop new skills, knowledge and competences in terms of digital democracy;
  • To raise the opportunities for e-participation for young people in local environments.

Participant Profiles

Participants, both youngster and decision makers, will have to fill in an online form in order to gather any special need and help organizers to understand the attitude of the group, their involvement on the field and their motivation, their previous knowledge on the topic of the meeting, their attitude to active participation.

Project Results

  • Tools and best practices will be collected in a final publication;
  • Online contents;
  • Results, information from the discussion and from the online pools will be collected in 8 info graphics that we will upload in a specific section of the platform and shared on different levels;
  • Guidelines and recommendations will inspire Institutions, politicians, youngsters and beneficiaries.

The activities of the project

A set of international, local and online activities are planned to achieve project goals and network common needs and ideas.


Local Activities

• Creation of local working groups and local actions to get in contact with the topic;
• Public press conference for the presentation of the project;
• A final conference at the end of the project to present project results at local level.


Online Activites

• An innovative platform that will collect tools and results of the project;
• Online pools and surveys;
• Creation of 8 info graphics with the results of the online pools;


International Activities

• Virtual Kick-off meeting;
• International seminar in Italy entitled “(E-democracy) Connecting local and European actions using digital tools in political activities”;
• Final meeting in Italy.

Partner of the Project

Click and find out project partner’s profile: four different entities from four different European islands!

TDM 2000 (ITALY)


“TDM 2000” is an independent no profit organization, that coordinates young people willing to cooperate in the voluntary sector, supporting them in developing personal and professional skills through experiential learning and non-formal education.

TDM 2000 cooperates with different Municipalities, the Sardinian Government, Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari, Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Sardinia and several other entities and institutions at local and international level in the fields of youth, education, training and entrepreneurship/employability.



Youth Association of Terceira Island – AJITER, is a non-profit institution that was started in April 2003, starting from the essential objective of promoting and strengthening youth associations in the Azorean community, as an innovative way to promote the integration of integration into the community it is inserted in, and fight against generalized indifference that, at times, is very harmful to our youth.

Main areas of intervention are:  education for citizenship, education for health, prevention of risk behavior, solidarity, combating social exclusion, sports, promoting access to the new information society, enhancing the historical and cultural heritage of Terceira Island, among many others.



“PlanBe, Plan it Be it” is a Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization based in Nicosia, Cyprus, managed by a team of youth workers, project managers and volunteers.

The main aim of “PlanBe” is to contribute to the positive societal changes by promoting effective communication between youngsters, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, by facilitating understanding among people. The mission of the NGO is to develop and support the use of non-formal education, to foster entrepreneurship, to boost creativity, to support environmental consciousness, to foster democracy and human rights and to develop solidarity and tolerance among youngsters.




The Żejtun Local Council (ŻLC) is the government authority which is responsible for the upkeep of the locality of Żejtun, a city in the south eastern region of Malta. We are also responsible and priorities also the social development of our community. 

The mission of the ŻLC is to halt the existing threats to the environment within the locality and to find ways and means to rehabilitate the locality’s characteristics as a residential area through striking a balance between the need of the residents and the commercial community in an efficient manner.